Banater Bio-Handel GmbH

We introduce ourselves - Banater Bio-Handel GmbH

For many years we have been sourcing organic raw materials from Romania.

We actively motivate our farmers to implement the guidelines of the farming associations Naturland, Bioland, BioSuisse and Bio Austria. Banater strives for a reliable, long-term and cooperative partnership with both its customers and its suppliers.

Transparency across all stages of the value chain is just as natural to us as the commitment to organic farming.

Banater - The name of a region became a company name

The company name is not an artificially invented word creation, but the historical name for a fertile region in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The Banat is located on the southeastern edge of the Hungarian lowlands, which is bounded by the three rivers Marosch, Tisza and Danube and the Carpathians. Especially the western part of the region is fertile farmland. At the end of the 17th century, it was the resettled Swabians who made the area arable and viable. Not necessarily voluntarily, but with typical Swabian diligence, they made the Banat one of the "granaries" for Central Europe. The trade of Romanian cereals has thus a long tradition.

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